Iceland fieldwork report, 2022

The fieldwork report from our work in Iceland in 2022 is complete! You can download it here: FLASH_Report_2022.pdf

2022    Catlin, K, D Bolender, J Speller, D Herren, S Kiker, O Conner, B Prehal, S Breiter, and B Zoëga. Excavations at Kotið and Coring Survey at Þrælagerði and Grænagerði: Interim Report on Fieldwork in the Summer 2022. BSK-2022-263, JSU-CYGS-A-2022-01.


Going Postal A psychoanalytic reading of social media and the death drive

This book review is a mostly not wrong discussion of why I have moved my tweetlike posting off facebook to a privately hosted wordpress instance – to serve a “scripturient” addiction to writing and sharing without also feeding the rapacious machine, which transforms the desire for connection into a death wish. I don’t think he has it exactly right, but he’s definitely onto something, and more nuanced than most anti-social-media thinkpieces. Perhaps someday I will read the book!