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New job!
I’m delighted to announce that I have accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Geography in the Department of Chemistry and Geosciences at Jacksonville State University in northeastern Alabama, to start mid-August 2021!
I visited the area a couple of weeks ago to do some house-shopping and meet some of my wonderful new colleagues in person (the whole interview was conducted online, due to the pandemic). I found a house I like and am planning to move in mid-July. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to work with a diverse group of geoscientists and am excited to start this new chapter!
TAG 2021
Next weekend (April 30-May 2) I will be participating in the US Theoretical Archaeology Group annual meeting, as part of the session “Archaeology of and for Environmental Justice” (Sunday at 3:45 pm Pacific Time). This year, the conference is fully online and registration is free. I hope to see you there!
Student projects: Sustainability Past and Present
This semester (Spring 2021) I have been teaching ARCH1875: Sustainability Past and Present at Brown University. As a final project, students created an assortment of media projects to teach the public about connections between the past and present of human/environment relations. The projects are all fantastic, and I encourage you to check them out at the link below!
Zoom talk this Wednesday
I will be speaking as part of Félag fornleifafræðinga’s New Research in Icelandic Archaeology (Nýjar Rannsóknir í Fornleifafræði) series this Wednesday at noon Iceland time (8AM EDT). Zoom details will be posted at the link above. Hope to see you there!
Tiny Houses: Small Dwelling Sites during the Settlement Period
Recent research on Hegranes in Skagafjörður has revealed numerous very small dwelling sites dating to the Settlement period. The sites were depopulated by the early 12th century, and while they included a wide range of productive activity, they do not fit easily into existing categories of specialized, seasonal camps or standalone farms. This talk will present an overview of the findings, and will discuss the sites in the context of Icelandic archaeology and the broader medieval Norse world. Small dwelling sites appear to have played a transient but critical role in both the settlement process and the transformation of the Icelandic landscape, as part of a distributed network of farm and non-farm dwellings.