3D model of ring-pin from Kotið
One of the most interesting finds from Kotið during test excavations in 2016/2017 was this bone ring pin, from a context dating to the late 9th or early 10th century. At only 7cm long, this pin is shorter than most bone pins found in Iceland, which are usually at least 10cm long. The point is slightly off-center, which suggests the pin may have been broken and re-sharpened before it was finally discarded. Pins like this were usually used to fasten cloaks or other items of clothing.
Last fall, I collaborated with digital artist Theresa Schlag to produce this 3D model of the pin, based on 360° photos taken shortly after the excavation. The model has a lot of cool features, including full-screen view and the ability to move the light source, so please click around and play!
New NSF-funded excavation project
Thank you to the National Science Foundation for funding my upcoming excavation of a small Viking Age dwelling site in Skagafjörður! We plan to excavate at Kotið, one of the smallest Settlement-period dwelling sites surveyed in my dissertation, to determine its relationship to nearby farm sites and its role in long-term socio-environmental transformations.
I’m hopeful that fieldwork will be able to start in 2021 … well, þetta reddast.
Watch this space for updates! I have also started an official project blog at Brown, which will become more active as the project ramps up.
To view previous posts related to my dissertation research (Fornbýli Landscape and Archaeological Survey on Hegranes, 2015-2019), please visit my archived research blog.
Going Postal A psychoanalytic reading of social media and the death drive
This book review is a mostly not wrong discussion of why I have moved my tweetlike posting off facebook to a privately hosted wordpress instance – to serve a “scripturient” addiction to writing and sharing without also feeding the rapacious machine, which transforms the desire for connection into a death wish. I don’t think he has it exactly right, but he’s definitely onto something, and more nuanced than most anti-social-media thinkpieces. Perhaps someday I will read the book!